The problem

Human trafficking is part of a larger poverty issue.

Human trafficking is part of a larger poverty issue.

It is estimated that there are 50 million people in slavery around the world today!

(Source United Nations 2022)

Approximately 20,000 Nepalis go missing across the border every single year and 1.5 million Nepalis are at risk of human trafficking.

Approximately 38% of the population in Nepal live on or below the poverty line.

Human trafficking accounts for $150 billion a year world-wide with women and girls making up to 71% of all modern slavery victims.

This is not ok

Trafficking in Nepal

The 1,758 kilometre border between Nepal and India has always been known as one of the busiest human trafficking gateways in the world.

Nepalese victims are plunged into the world of human trafficking in different ways. Many hope to find jobs as domestic workers in India or Gulf countries but end up being trafficked and raped in brothels abroad. Others find themselves working in sweat shops or on construction sites in bonded labour. Sadly, many are tricked into servitude or prostitution with false promises of a love-marriage. Many others fall prey to one of the most horrific forms of trafficking – organ harvesting.

Ways to get involved

Stand against human trafficking today
Merch to spark conversations
Provide freedom to a daughter of Nepal
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